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KPD & Abax

Insights on your fleet.
With Abax & KPD

By integrating Abax into KPD Project, you use one of your favorite tools.

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Discover Abax

Insights into your fleet that enable impactful decisions

Effectively managing the fleet of vehicles and equipment can be challenging, but with the right tools and technologies, you can tackle this task effortlessly. That’s where ABAX, integrated within the KPD ERP system, becomes a valuable partner in streamlining your business operations.

Why KPD trusts Abax

ABAX offers a powerful platform that enables you to track and manage every asset within your fleet using intelligent, easy-to-use, and data-driven tools. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and advantages of ABAX and how they seamlessly integrate within the KPD ecosystem.

Optimize your fleet management with advanced tracking and analysis to increase operational efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and improve the safety of your vehicles.

Manage and maintain machines and equipment with an integrated solution that provides insights into usage hours, location, and maintenance history, allowing you to maximize lifespan and minimize downtime.

Keep real-time visibility on the location and status of your assets, allowing you to quickly respond to changing conditions, prevent theft, and optimize your operational processes.

Utilize intelligent mobility services to streamline your transport and logistics processes, reduce fuel consumption, and ensure the safety of your drivers while saving costs and improving overall efficiency.

Abax in the KPD ecosystem.

The KPD ecosystem is designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, making it easy to adapt to the changing needs of your business. The integration of ABAX within this ecosystem ensures that you can benefit from the latest technological developments and functionalities to improve your business performance.

ABAX offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing your fleet within the construction sector, while the integration within the KPD ecosystem ensures seamless and efficient operations.

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